“In the cyrcle“ training for youth workers and community activists_ 12.-21.May 2025


 Project description:

We live in challenging times and uncertain future. Abuse of the natural environment, personal profit, consumer lifestyle causes Climate change which influences our daily lives with not foreseen challenges and changes. Depopulation of rural areas -Increasing urban population causes disconnection from the natural environment and people are lacking skills to live and care about natural enviroment . Digitalization and online space enhance our lives but on the other side can easily lead to rising dependence on technologies. Especialy young people are losing social skills, they live more virtual than real, creating virtual identity more than community. Society lacks a way of communication which does not deepen inferiority and sense of separation but leads to connection with other people and their environment as well as lack of public dialogue about how these topics influence us. Environmental grief, hopelessness and anger about the change of the natural environment interferes more and more especially with young people(+ data).  Topics of climate change, sustainability, community, participatory forms of leadership – innovative methods and approaches are more and more popular and slowly but surely find their way into mainstream and public debate. There already exist more effective tools to lower the impact of climate change, but they are not very known yet. We want to support and share with our partners organizations, how to bring these marginalized topics into youth-work and mainstream effectivily.

The general idea of this project is to promote the philozophy and concept of Permaculture which brings many solutions to face climate change by building suistanable, productive human setlements. It is based on three pilars – Earth care – People care – Fair share. Solutions exists but their aplication most often  fail due to the human factor. Individual activists, educators, youth workers, communities, lack tools and methods to communicate and make common decisions. Thats why we will on this project focus mainly on second pilar – People care.

Under the guidance of experienced trainers and facilitators, participants will learn and practice participatory methods share and design innovative ways to popularize these topics and bring them closer to youths and public. We aim to encourage and support youths to become confident and true actors of positive change. Our intention of this project is to  provide participants with concept ofpermaculture, inovative methods of participatory leadership (Dragon dreaming,  Way of council, Community building by Scot Peck) which are easy to apply by working with youth on a local as well as international level. Evolution of these methods was inspired by many partial solutions and means. That’s why we assume that further sharing of these methods will bring more new solutions and these methods are going to develop in this process as well.


  • Provide  paricipants with inovative methodologies (Dragon dreaming,  Way of council, Community building by Scot Peck) to create an effective toolbox participants can take with them and simply apply in their work.
  • To acknowledge and train participants in the concept of permaculture so they will be able  to spread it in their organizations or communities after return.
  • To exchange effective educational practices, methodologies, ideas for environmental and social sustainability.
  • To create partnerships for future projects

Who can apply:

Youth Workers: This includes project managers, educators, trainers, teachers, and coordinators
Youth leaders from formal or non-formal groups focused on climate change, sustainability, permaculture, participatory leadership, and innovative educational methods.
Environmental and Community Activists: representatives of Schools, universities, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community groups working in environmental education, community building, and social sustainability.
After the training participants can integrate the innovative methodologies and sustainable practices promoted by the project into their curricula. This will help to cultivate a new generation of environmentally conscious and socially responsible citizens.

(Apply here)  

 Project map: