In the Circle
In the Circle is International ERASMUS+Training for youth workers, educators, climate activists, communtity builders, focused on topics of climate change, sustainability, community, participatory forms of leadership.
The general idea of this project is to promote the philozophy and concept of Permaculture which brings many solutions to face climate change by building suistanable, productive human setlements. It is based on three pilars – Earth care – People care – Fair share. Solutions exists but their aplication most often fail due to the human factor. Individual activists, educators, youth workers, communities, lack tools and methods to communicate and make common decisions. Thats why we will on this project focus mainly on second pilar – People care.
Dragon Dreaming, Community Building (by Scot Peck) and the Way of Council are methods which share a participatory approach. Forest mind is method reconecting humans with the nature.
Participants will have oportunity to experience and learn to use this innovative methods and approaches to be able to use them in theyr profesional work.
Therefore, all participants will be actively involved in all phases of the activities and will receive adequate support to do so.
An important part of the participants‘ learning will be presentations and non-formal learning methods like experiential
learning, embodiment, personal and group reflection for empowering participants achieving common objectives and
personal goals.
Participants of this project will get profound personal experience with these methods by lectures and workshops facilitated
by professional and experienced trainers.
Permaculture – Dpd.Patricia Pavlovska (SK)
Community Building by Scott Peck – Karol Herian (SK) and Iveta Hruščova (SK)
The Way of Council and Dragon Dreaming – Martin Gavalier (SK)
Forest Mind – Dominika Dudová (SK)
More info about project you can find here.
Dominika DudováLektorka