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Future Forest, 25.7.-8.8.2022
Future Forest je mládežnícka výmena, organizovaná pod záštitou programu ERASMUS+. Jedná sa o neformálny spôsob vzdelávania. 35 mladých ľudí z Portugalska, Chorvátska, Rakúska
We are living in a time where the impact of certain human activities is, for the first time in our history, altering the Earth’s life-supporting ...
Building Bridges 2019
It is a youth exchange where 35 young people will meet in Prenčov village, Slovakia. Participants are young people, willing to broaden their life perspectives, ...
Win-Win-Win Games 2019
Win-Win-Win games is a 10 day training course for youth workers, trainers, community builders connected with young activist working on a sustainable way of living. It opens ...
Stromy 2019-2020
We choose as a topic for this project trees, because they are a symbol of long term perspective, a way of thinking and living. During this project ...
Connecting Roots 2018-2019
“Connecting roots” is 6 day partnership building seminar for representatives of organizations working in youth field. Project will be organized by ARTKRUH in natural environment ...