We are living in a time where the impact of certain human activities is, for the first time in our history, altering the Earth’s life-supporting systems beyond the advisable, putting our own livelihoods at risk. The instability that our activities is causing on the ecosystems is putting us on track towards the 6th mass extinction. As many of us start to realise this, we are also witnessing a tremendous resurgence of initiatives which focus on having sustainability at their core.
The stories we tell shape the world we live in. There are many stories which talk about livelihoods and businesses which are respectful with the limits of the planet. With this project we want to promote the visibility of such stories, and the spread of positive messages of humans living in harmony with themselves, each other and their environment.
We aim to equip our participants not only with skills to analyse the underlying causes of the destruction of our planet, but also and mainly to create and spread positive messages of how we can regenerate the Earth’s ecosystems while livingmore fulfilled /purposeful lives. Global education gives both the context of our changing world, and also actively invites us to be part of the solution of the global problems that we have created.
Can this be reversed? How can we play our role as educators and youth workers?
We aim to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, methods & frameworks to design & deliver content, projects and programmes for the young people they work with, in the topics of this training course.
– To inform and reflect on current trends in MEDIA (including fake news) and how to be critical users and creators of positive content – contrasting the spreading of violence, extremism and hate speech;
– To explore the use of STORYTELLING in youth work, education and for creation of positive media image of our relationships with ourselves, each other and our environment;
– To introduce current concepts of GLOBAL EDUCATION, learn more about the planetary boundaries and challenge some of the complex development issues that face local and global communities;
– To establish PARTNERSHIPS between organisations working with storytelling, media, global education and the environment and exchange good practices.
This project is promoting participation of young people in democratic life of Europe ,through non-formal learning activities, aiming at enhancing skills and competencies. At the same time project is providing youth organisations and youth workers with training and cooperation opportunities, developing their professionalism. To be more concrete, project is supporting youth workers and organisations with tools and skills, necesary for todays and tommorows challenges. By empowered organisations and youthworkers, high number of young people can be influenced and empowered.
If you are interested in joining this online education, please fulfill this survey.
More informations you can find here.