Rural areas in Europe face longlasting depopulation. Young people are leaving these areas and moving to bigger cities where they can easily fulfill their needs of social life and job opportunities. It is however important to support and develop sustainable rural life strategies, and keep rural regions alive. Our experiences show, that organizing solely events can hardly change anything. It is good if our local actions are based in global thinking, networking and cooperation, receiving different informations, inspirations and motivation. Specific field of opportunities lies in connection between rural and urban areas, and in tranfer of good practices and trends from the cities to rural areas. Great opportunity for young entrepreneurs in rural areas is creative industry – so flourishing in big cities, but so little developed in small cities and rural areas. Therefore our intention is to focus on this field, search for examples of good practices, realize research among target groups and support development of creative industry, or even wider development of youth entrepreneurship in rural areas.
-to organize research among local young people (host and partner countries) focused on their need, orientation in the opportunities and scale of institutional support regarding entrepreneurship in creative industry
-to explore and highlight local examples of good practices in a way of personal stories
-to create a motivational publication with results of local research, presentation of examples of good practices (photobook) and designed strategies for further support of target groups
-to present publication in relevant local, regional and national institutions
-to organize presentations and discussions for target groups focused on opportunities of creative industry and examples of good practices
Project calendar:
- Transnational meeting – Kick off meeting – preparing the strategy for initial research (August 2021)
- Local research – needs of young people, entrepreneural opportunities, awareness about creative industry, greendeal, institutional support, examples of good practices (September, October, November 2021)
- REsearch processing – (December 2021, January 2022)
- Conference of partners and stakeholders – Presentations of results from local research, sharing of know how and good practices from partner countries, development of strategies February 2022)
- Publication – Processing results of research and conference, visual finalisation, publishing (March, April, May)
- Multiplier events – Presentation of publication to all relevant institutions, local municipalities, governmental institutions, local NGO´s, youthclubs (Juny, July 2022)
- Dissemination activities – focus on target groups – presentations of project and discussions with local entrepreneurs on local schools and youthclubs, festival of arts and crafts, presentation on internation rural forum conference (August, September, October 2022)
- Evaluation meeting – Transnational meeting in one of our partners place, evaluating results of the project and preparation for second part focused on more direct motivation and support of target groups towards entrepreneurship (November 2022)
This project idea was already submitted. Now we are searching for local partners, stakeholder but also individual local participants, who would like to join the project. Expected result will be manual for institutional support of youth entrepreneurship with special emphasis on creative industry in rural areas. Another specific result is a serie of dissemination activities focused on young people in region of Hont.
For more informations see this document: